Thursday, December 2, 2010

Snowy weather

You might have seen news items that the UK is in the grip of arctic conditions. Fortunately, for those who live there, Stafford has had the merest sprinkling of snow, but it is so bitterly cold that most of the snow is staying put, even after several days.
Before the snow descended I tidied up the garden. The olive tree, now three or four years old and in its third pot, is getting too weighty to move easily so this year it has to survive outside. The sides of the large pot have been swathed in bubble wrap and a layer put around the top of the pot to prevent snow lying on the soil. The trunk and the crown seem to be surviving without any protection. ( Bubble wrap courtesy of Tesco - they recycle packaging so don't mind customers helping themselves)

The cooking apple tree has had an abundant harvest this year and many apples have been distributed to friends and neighbours. Unfortunately, the apples remaining on the tree have succumbed to the bitterly cold temperatures, and though they are securely holding onto the branches, looking pretty with snowy white tops, they are squishy soft - the birds will not mind.

One corner of the garden near the kitchen catches the sun for most of the day, so while the rest of the garden looks wintery, the strawberry planter, newly sporting winter pansies, adds colour to the scene.


Anonymous said...

Oh, I very much like your pansy planter and the mulitiple openings for flowers. And I'm so glad to see the olive tree is so big! I wasn't really sure it would survive English weather.

Anonymous said...

You need a greenhouse for the olive tree to live in! Another job for Dad :-)

Bernice said...

Gardens in Winter a still fun. The flowers next to the snow. How great is that.