Thursday, March 26, 2015


It's almost the end of March and though there are plenty of signs of new growth in the garden, the weather is so inconsistent that there is no hope of getting outside to plant this years veg patch - the soil is so saturated it will get compacted if I try to dig the ground.  Still I have plans! The strawberry raised beds have disintegrated beyond repair so new raised beds have been purchased and at the first good dry spell F will be required to assemble them around the old ones.  The soil and last years plants are still intact.They will just need extra compost and a few extra plants, grown from last year's runners.
There is blossom on the apricot trees for the first time ever this year, so B hopes to be able to cook with our home grown apricots.  All we require is prolonged sunny weather and a lack of pests.

House plants - just to keep in practice when outdoor gardening is not possible.  I have had two orchids for about three years now, one white and one purple.  They live on a south facing window sill and take very little work - just a weekly/fortnightly soak and some liquid plant feed.

This photograph was taken on July 22nd, 2013 and shows several stems of bee orchid blooms on one plant.  It has been in flower since then, all through last year and has now decided it has produced enough flowers - I'm hoping it is resting and will bloom again in future months.

The photo below shows the white orchid that  has come into bloom in the last few weeks.  It has several flower stems and looks as though it will give several months of flowers.  For comparison, the last few flowers on the last stem of the purple orchid.

....  and for those with imagination, the last bud which has still to open, looks like a cartoon mouse.