Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A celebration - free at last

Having completed my first year of Open University studies, for the next five weeks I do not have to read course text books, take part in online forums or produce work to be marked. I shall not know the results of the courses until 17th December but I'm confident that I've done enough to pass.
When I finished working full-time Frank suggested I might like to keep the little grey cells in good order by taking on an OU course. Little did he know that it would take over my life! Dreams of having a manicured garden, home made food waiting on the table for when my husband gets home for work, a house that does not hide under cobwebs, a crowded social life (with other retirees), several sessions at the gym each week - well they have faded quickly from my aspirations.
Now I dream of which course to take on next. Before starting to study with the OU I was certain that I wanted to study geology (and I still do), but having completed a wide range of science topics during the year and with hundreds of courses to choose from the problem is - which others to choose? I'm starting with a short course on maths for scientists, but that will only last for a few weeks, then choices will have to be made.
In the meantime - I'm celebrating the freedom - so I am trying to post more often. Today, while there is a break from the rainy weather, I have been emptying one of the compost bins and digging the compost into the patch where the potatoes were grown. Then tonight, I'm catching up with the news when meeting up with a colleague for a meal. It's good to be busy!