Friday, December 31, 2010

Last post (for 2010)

The last fortnight has been so busy with the preparations for Christmas and then the actual celebration, followed by getting things back to normal ready for the New Year that I find I have time for just one more post before the end of the year.
The UK is cold if not very snowy now - the water butts in the garden were full to the brims before the cold spell. Now they are full of ice and the lids are raised above the tops resting on the ice - it will need quite a thaw before we can start to use them.
I am not usually bothered about making New Year Resolutions - if something is worth changing it might as well be changed straight away - but I am resolving to post more often in 2011.
Its good to know what's going on in Miami, Washington DC and Homerville so I will try to add details of happenings in Stafford - more regularly.

Happy New Year


Bernice said...

My dear gardener friend, I will have the same resolution. It is such a nice way to keep it touch. Keep warm.

Anonymous said...

Andrew and I love to hear about your life too.