Friday, October 9, 2015

An evening out

On Thursday, friend V and I , went to the pictures to see a broadcast, live from the Vaudeville Theatre, London, of 'The Importance of being Earnest' by Oscar Wilde. 
For the cost of a cinema ticket we had a really good view of the play and enjoyed being able to see close-ups of the actors - we'd have needed theatre glasses to get such close-ups if we had been at the Vaudeville Theatre.  Seeing live broadcasts means we can afford to see many more shows than if we had had to travel, usually to London, where even the cheapest theatre seats are expensive, and then probably needing hotel accommodation.
This particular production was special because the part of Lady Bracknell was played by actor David Suchet, who is very famous as the character Hercule Poirot, taking the lead in each one of Agatha Christie's Poirot stories, filmed for television, over a period of several years.
When it came to the curtain call, he curtseyed so elegantly, he could have been presented to the Queen.


Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

How neat! My mother has enjoyed similar broadcasts of the opera, and David Suchet is a great actor.

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

How neat! My mother has enjoyed similar broadcasts of the opera, and David Suchet is a great actor.

Bernice said...

I read that play last year for book club and then saw it preformed. What fun.