Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Another long break from the blog – I must try harder.

The garden has suffered from a lack of attention this year and considering that I didn’t put anything into the ground until early June I am lucky to have any produce at all.
I planted potatoes in large bags after last year’s scabby crop in the veg plot.  Yesterday the first bag was emptied, with the help of the under-gardener, as the tops of the potatoes plants had wilted away.  The resulting crop from ten seed potatoes – beautiful, blemish free and about enough for two meals!  A neighbour had said that they never managed to get reasonable quantities when they used bags to grow potatoes.
You can judge for yourself.


 The courgettes have been equally lacking – how do you manage to not get a glut of courgettes?
The one crop that has bucked the trend – the magnum bonum peas – a late cropping variety that were popular in Victorian times. 
Last summer, I was sent a present of six pea seeds by a fellow Open University Student who I had met for the first time when we both attended a revision weekend before the astronomy exam. We discovered that we both enjoyed gardening and when I told her I had recently started a veg patch she promised to send some seeds.
There were not many peas to eat last year but from the pods that were left on for seed there has been a bumper crop this year.  The peas grow quite tall and need a frame to climb through.
You can judge for yourself.


Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

Wow, those are beautiful peas.

Bernice said...

Gerry said the trick to having courgettes is to just leave you house or car unlocked and people will leave you a gift of their extras.

Great experiment with the potatoes.