Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The potato harvest

Last year - the first year of my retirement veg patch - I planted potatoes and was pleased with the results.
This year I spotted two small potato plants growing in the patch where the potatoes had been planted last season. Obviously, I'd failed to dig out two small potatoes whenI'd harvested.

I didn't bother to do anything with the veg patch until we got back to the UK from our American/Canadian adventure - the first week in June. By this time, the potato plants had grown sturdy and it seemed a shame to pull them out when they had made so much effort. I filled the space around them with pea plants because they don't need any special treatment.
Today, because the potato tops were dying down I decided to dig them up - from two small left-over potatoes I obtained 6lbs 3ozs of potatoes ..... large, unblemished ...... I hope they taste as good as they look.


Anonymous said...

6 lbs. of no-effort potatoes? What a treat.

Bernice said...

The only things that come from "no-effort" in my garden are weeds! Glad to read your posts again.