Friday, July 16, 2010

Another Historic Day

I'm expecting to be offered a contract by the BBC soon!

A few weeks ago I sent an email to Gardeners' Question Time asking what I should do about the flowers that are growing on my potato plants. They liked the question and I received an email from the GQT office asking if they could phone me so that I could read out the question for the programme recording.
Today I had the phonecall and read out the question that I had sent in. They recorded it and said it will be used next weekend when the programme is being broadcast from Bob Flowerdew's garden (What a name for a gardener - it is his real name)
I shall be at Open University Summer School when the programme is broadcast, so I shall listen on the iPlayer to find out the answer, when I get back.

In all modesty - I expect the contract will be for making the tea, or dusting the microphones!!!


Anonymous said...

Wow! I hope you can figure out some way to record it.

Jenny said...

Hey, you didn't tell us about that! Or maybe you told John, as a fellow gardener?

Gill - UK said...

Modesty Jenny - besides being a bad role model!