Monday, October 24, 2016

Tonight I burned the sprouts

For the first time ever, as far as I can remember, I left the sprouts cooking on the hob and managed to simmer them until the water evaporated and the bottom of the saucepan burned black.

I had left the kitchen for what was intended to be a couple of minutes, but got engrossed in another task.  It wasn't 'til I could smell burning that I remembered the saucepan was still heating on the cooker. I grabbed the saucepan off the stove top and put it on a wooden breadboard.  The bright green of the sprouts was in stark contrast to the blackness surrounding them.

The smoke alarm then sounded so I switched it off.

The sprouts lifted off the bottom of the saucepan quite easily, leaving behind the layers that were burnt onto the base, and they tasted fine, surprisingly, so we were able to have them as part  of our evening meal.

I left the saucepan to soak in cold water - much hissing - and have floated off the worst of the debris.

It was then that I realised this was the saucepan that was a Christmas present from A and R the first time they visited us.  I shall work hard with the Brillo pads to return it to a better state.

The main problem now is how do I get rid of the smell of burning that seems to have wafted through the whole house.  I can't leave windows and doors open tonight, but tomorrow I shall try that method.


adventures and misadventures abroad said...

Ugh I hate when I have kitchen disasters! Good to see you posting again.

Gill - UK said...

Thank you Gloria - I have been remiss

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

Oh, a house filled with the smell of burned sprouts sounds quite unpleasant.I hope some elbow grease and soaking will restore the pan, but if not, you've gotten a good number of years out if it.