Not wanting to miss a good opportunity for taking a photo, I joined him in the garden and there were dozens of spiders' webs around the garden, all glinting in the early morning sun.
By Saturday lunchtime, the webs had dried out and were not as noticeable. F and I set off for a couple of days in Wales, about a hundred and twenty miles away from home and enjoyed a pleasant journey through mainly rural areas, the trees along the route beginning to show the first signs of autumn.
Travelling back late Sunday evening we arrived at home round about midnight. The next morning looking through the kitchen window onto the back garden I spotted masses of mushrooms(?) trailing across the grass near the stump of an apple tree. . They definitely were not there when we left home about thirty-six hours earlier and B says they weren't there on Sunday morning. They certainly appeared as if by magic
F cut down the tree about three years ago. It was very productive but was too close to the house so it had to go, and the tree was too large to transplant. In the years since, the remaining stump has produced many shoots which have been removed so I think the tree has finally given up. The fungi may well be helping to breakdown the woody roots.
I have no idea what sort of mushrooms they are so I have not picked and cooked them. I am going to post a photo on and see if any of the members can identify them.
On Monday morning they looked like glossy light brown domes but by Tuesday morning they had flattened and darkened. Thoses with sharp eyes will note that grass is in short supply on the back 'lawn'.
1 comment:
Those are beautiful pictures of the spiderwebs. Perfectly timed for Halloween.
I'm so happy to see people stop and appreciate the beauty of nature.
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