Saturday, September 8, 2012

Upgrading the Homestead.

Our front door has a very small letterbox – for years postmen have battled with delivering our mail and many ignore the ‘do not bend’ pleas on the envelopes, so we end up with creased and crumpled mail.  We’ve trained our regular postman.  He rings the doorbell to deliver the mail that won’t easily fit – but for this to be successful, we have to be at home!
At last we have solved the problem.  We’ve bought a metal post-box that can be fitted to the outside of the house and the opening is big enough to take most of our letters without them being folded.  It will even take the free newspapers that are delivered on a weekly basis.
Frank has fitted the box level with the door letterbox by the side of the front door. 


It looks smart and works well – no damaged post so far – but we miss the sound of the letters dropping on the doormat in the hall.


Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

That looks like a very nice addition to the house!

Bernice said...

Is that a hint that we should send some letters to fill the box? See you soon.