Thursday, January 31, 2019

What a start to the New Year

I think the last day of January can just about qualify as New Year 2019.

2018 seemed to end well - I needed surgery a couple of days before Christmas (It has been successful), and spent Christmas relaxing and being waited on by the rest of the family - the turkey is still in the freezer waiting for its chance to be centre stage.

The weather was mild and the the garden was still producing flowers. The Chrysanthemums in the containers by the front door gave a colourful display throughout December, but the colder weather that has arrived with 2019 has finished them off - we are hoping to move them to a sheltered spot so that they can survive and be ready for later in the year.

January has been very quiet so far.  With rest being the doctor's orders I have been catching up with reading and watching daytime television!  I managed to catch a cold and it has taken me a fortnight to shrug it off.  I didn't go out socially because I didn't want to spread the germs so I've missed out on two concerts, and F had to celebrate Burn's Night  without me.  That would have been my first ever Burn's night - maybe next year.

Today has been the coldest day of the year so far in the Midlands.  We woke up to a frosty garden - it looked so pretty, but the Spring flowers that have made an early start now have a battle to survive if this cold spell persists.

I am looking forward to February and being able to drive again.