Under the holly hedge, cuckoo pint (Arum maculatum) has produced bright red berries - apparently, much favoured by pheasants - but since we have no pheasants, they remain a bright splash of colour when many plants have finished their flowering.
We have one apple tree, growing very close to the house, and F cut off all the branches a few years ago, but leaving the trunk. It needed a more serious saw (a chainsaw?) than Frank has to tackle the trunk. For a couple of years it sent out plenty of leafy stems which we cut off promptly to encourage it to die. I think we have been successful at last. The tree is surrounded by mushrooms(inkcaps?) and from the base to the top of the trunk a beautiful purple and pink shelf fungus has spread. I know the mushrooms thrive where there is dying wood and I think it will probably be the same for the trunk. We may not need to cut it down after all.
Another identification job for iSpot