Thursday, January 22, 2009

Specially for B

Photographs of my garden can be selected to show it at its best - this is definitely not what RM and A saw when they viewed the garden by dim torchlight one freezing January evening. The plants are the sort that have taken to their habitat and thrive in spite of sporadic care - the sort of care that happens when I am on holiday.

A view of the back of the garden from the house - late summer - the lawn has a natural look! Frank says its green - what more do I want from a lawn?

This is the best of the apple trees - its totally organic and pest friendly. It must be about fifty years old and every year it produces a bumper crop of Bramley cooking apples. Every year we think that it is making its final effort. The apples are very good quality and non-squeamish neighbours and friends help us to get through them. The garden birds supplement their diet with the apples we leave lying on the grass.

The Stargazer Lilies - they didn't get staked this year so they're leaning against the trunk of one of the apple trees. Their heady scent dominates the garden for the few weeks they are in full bloom. These are reminiscent of RM's wedding bouquet.
Distant Rudbeckias framed by the branches of an apple tree.

When we returned home from the USA a friend
presented me with a penstemon - note its name.
She said 'I saw this and thought of you'
It was planted it with extra care - note the anti-slug defences. Maybe the plant is susceptible, maybe not!
Two views - close up and in situ.

This is definitely a stochastic corner with room for planted and self seeded - also the bird bath without water.
Springtime - one of the tidier borders because of the woodchip mulch.
April is apple blossom time - for a few weeks the garden looks very pretty.

I hope you enjoy the photographs. It does give a small idea of what the garden is like at the most colourful times of year and I think it does provide evidence of the non-manicured method of maintenance - time for that when I retire.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Time flies

We were making arrangements for months and enjoying the anticipation of A and RM's visit to the UK - a two yearly event! Now we are spending our last evening together and then , it's the airport run early tomorrow morning.
RM is tutoring in the art of sending a blog so this will be brief and selective - one or two photos of the main event.

Cutting the cake

Dancing the Light Fantastic

This may be the first installment - it depends how well I've taken on board the tuition.